
I get bored. Frequently. Then out of nowhere I'll have an insatiable need to create something. It becomes like an obsession. I can't think of anything else until it is complete. Except that, before it is finished, my mind jumps to something else, skipping along like a rock thrown into a pond.

Just one of the many cruel tricks the voices play on me.

So many projects half done, slowly decaying on a digital drive, maybe never to see the light of day. The things you find here likely hold no interest for you. You might think them inane or pointless. You're probably right. I should just delete them.

Nonetheless, here are some things I have created, some for fun, some as a proof of concept, and others just because I could.

Base Converter
Convert numbers from
one base to another.

Color Lab
Select and convert colors
and color schemes.

Aremac's Mirror
Test the functionality and
quality of your webcam.